Sunday, September 27, 2015


My name is Vanessa Blake, I was born in Jamaica where I lived and attended school up until the ninth grade. At fifteen I migrated to the States and continued my schooling. I was in the fifth grade when I told myself I wanted to work with computers. Back then, the only women I’d see that had jobs with computers, were secretaries, so I thought that was what I would grow up to become. After receiving my first DELL, I started taking information technology classes, which is when I was exposed to other career opportunities in the field. I am here now in my second semester of College to fulfill my aspirations of being a Software Developer.

             Upon registering in College, you have to go through the process of advisement. In addition to my remedial classes I was advised to add HUC 117 to my schedule. I’m glad I did, because this course will help prepare me for my major in Computer Science. HUC 117 is defined as a course that analyzes all aspects of computer-mediated communication and the effects of technology on human communication, language and relationships. In other words, the class touches on the many different ways people communicate online and with other technology. I mostly use computer-mediated communication through Google Maps, Netflix, Hulu, Chromecast, Play Store, hotspot and computers.

            Google Maps is my go-to application to know my way around new places, such as what bus to take to get me to my destination, the location of places such as the closest library etc. Netflix I use to watch entire series, that is, not just the latest episode, but from the very first season. Hulu is my source to stay updated on the latest shows. The most popular shows currently on TV are available the next day after air. Chromecast is a small media streaming device that I plug into the HDMI port on my TV. I connect it to my cell phone and tablet to watch my favorite; TV shows, movies and videos from apps like Netflix and Hulu then cast them on a bigger screen that is my TV. Play Store is where I find all the apps mentioned above and many others such as international texting/calling apps, etc. Hotspot is a portable device that I use to connect to the internet so that I can have access to all.

The Hotspot I'm currently using is on the Sprint network. Need I say more....the service sucks. The issue at first was that it would take a long time to load, but now I can’t even cast shows from Hulu on my TV or tablet. Last, but definitely not least, computers. I love computers.  I’ll have to focus on one main reason I rely on computers (as I could go on and on with a long list); they allow me to complete assignments. As a matter of fact, I had a hard time getting access to a computer to get this blog done. I have a laptop at home but because of hotspot issues I ended up seeking a computer elsewhere. I went to the school library and the line was out the door. I mean seriously, how can half the computers be closed off, construction again, so unreliable. I went to a public library but I was logged off after only thirty minutes. Then I had to wait to be reassigned for another thirty, after which I was blocked as the policy is that one hour is all the time allowed per day. I must say though, despite all the trouble I encounter to get access, computers are my favorite form of computer-mediated communication for all the reasons mentioned and so much more.